Due Diligence Dashboard
All scores in one overview
This page provides an overview of the countries and commodities that are available to you. At the top, you have the option to toggle between the human rights risks scores and the environmental risks scores.
Choose a country in the map to quickly identify the (sub)national level risk scores for the chosen combination of commodities and risk themes. There are no subnational risk scores for 3 human rights risk themes. For these themes we were not able to find any global datasets at subnational level related to the risk theme. These themes are: violence and harassment, freedom of association and collective bargaining (FACB), and access to land and material resources. There are no subnational risk scores for the environmental risk themes based on our Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). These themes are: climate change, eutrophication, acidification and ecotoxicity.
The bar chart on the left provides another view of the scores in the map, also including a global benchmark, which is the average value for the selected combination of commodities and risk themes across all available data in our database. The bar chart on the right provides a summary of all risk themes for the selected national or sub-national scores.